The low-code event-driven application development tool I created with Dave C-J.
A client for doing simple publish/subscribe messaging with a server that supports MQTT v3.1.1, such as Mosquitto.
A year-long podcast with Roo about being a dad.
Visualising energy usage at home.
Turning my home-made orb, that lives beside my television and reacts to certain events, into a Thing
A fun little publication for BERG’s sadly defunct Little Printer that generates a random maze every day.
My experiments on how graphs can be represented with paper - not on paper, but with paper.
A few days spent wiring up a pair of taxis to be driven by mind-control, for BBC One’s Bang Goes The Theory.
A JavaScript library I created a long time ago to experiment with drag/drop and
wiring UIs. This demo lets you can play with logic gates, wiring them up to
explore how they work and how they can be combined.
A record of our holiday in New Zealand which used twitter and google maps to plot our journey.
A collaboration with Roo, full of bad jokes.
Sadly the site has been lost to the graveyard of expired domains and deleted