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Add a settings.js file

You are already familiar with the Node-RED settings.js file you had to edit in the earlier part of the workshop.

The containerized version of your application will need its own settings file to use.

Create the file ~/.node-red/projects/<name-of-project>/settings.js with the following contents:

module.exports = {
    uiPort: process.env.PORT || 1880,
    credentialSecret: process.env.NODE_RED_CREDENTIAL_SECRET,
    httpAdminRoot: false,
    ui: { path: "/" }
  • Setting httpAdminRoot to false will disable the Node-RED editor entirely - we do not want the flows to be edited directly in our production environment.
  • credentialSecret is how you can provide the key for decrypting your credentials file. Rather than hardcode the key in the file - which is a bad idea - we set it using the environment variable NODE_RED_CREDENTIAL_SECRET.
  • Having disabled the editor, the ui setting moves the root url of the dashboard page back to / rather than its default /ui.

Next Steps

The final task is to add a Dockerfile.